♥ Through it all,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:22:00 PM

Tmr , oh syeeeeeeeeeeeeet !
not going to school , adhr la sebabnyeh .

Wtfucck, today in school ? Tooo , that sundals ;
Dont you dare touch my frend kkeh .
dye tak bersalaaah luhk . adhr bukteh keh tkdr .
kaaau jangan nak step uhk depan kwnkwn kau .
kaau tkdr lyfe peh nak pukol pompan .
peragai adekadek siahk . be more meatured uhk !
*fcuuuuuuukof . skrg sape yang start dulu ,
kaau kan mushibot ! - jangan jadeyk budo la ehk !
kaau tak puas apa kau buat ngn akuh laaagy ,
kaau nak buat apa ngn akuh , meh ah sini anjing !
kaaau nak baaantaai akuh sampai mampos .
baaaaantaaaaaaai luhk !
- kiwaaak, kaaau berani buat berani tanggong ah sial .
yang kali nak buat pekir dulu keh , otaaaakmaty siahk !
akuh daodao kau dapaat panishment terok dari cikgu .
alhamdulilaah luhk klaw kau dapt terokterok .
kaaau pnyeh org ni , dah buat taktawu nak admit .
beh endup , dah meyesal nak pukolpukol org .
kalaau laki tkpr jugak , ni pompan kaw nak pukol .
btw, sapeh suroh kaw start dulu .
- adhr pergi adhr balek keh . kau takecare ehk , razif !
kalaaau kaw sentoh kawan akuh , kaw jage .
Sooooooooooot ajar .

haiyaaah, lambaaatnyeh upload vivocity pnyeh gambar . 
- sooon ahkaaay ! sooorry keep you guys waiting .

Sunday, March 28, 2010 2:30:00 PM

Fridaaay // -- 
Out to vivocity after school . 
Reached VivoCity , saw Mirabella Laa . 
Meyeeboknyeh dieh . Haha . -- 
Since Dah teserempak dyeh . 
Night , tagged along ngn deorg sekali.
Jyeaaah, Greaaat ! - Have fun with them. 
Upload The picture soon - /

Yesterday , watch kudek . - 
Waong Anggun - jurongeast &
tedja - kampong melayu . 
reached home, kol 12 .
kk , later going parbu at bp . 
chalos . - 
upload the vivo pic soon aites .
kk Byeeee !

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:28:00 PM

whereyou , i've been waiting for you called .
baby , kol me please .
pickup my called.
dunt off your phone . ) :

Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:57:00 PM

Ooooh , Besty ! Sooorry tak abek
kaw kat airport tadi pagi .
yooou know the reason ryte .
& yet im happy get to meetup with you
tooodaaay .. happy gila !
babeeeey , Im Sooory .
i know you felt disappointed in us .
i knoow whad you feelt .
sooorry sgatsgat .
i also dunt expect this happened
end up , daaah jadek & i regret .
thaaanks for your advice babygurl .
& thanks to your parent too .
your sister too , satu family luhk
senang kateh . thanks for caring toward us .
berapeh buroknyeh kyte , skrg my hand will
keep it to myself . kyteh maciam meyusahkan korang
but i reallyreally very soorry .
thaanks for being ther for me yaw besty .
Lovee yaaw !

& mummy , keep our secert between us kaykay .
i'll trusst you mummy . im soory whad i've done .
thanks alots ! how bad are you , akak tetap
syang mama kaykay .. im sooorry . i know that
you so disappointed in me too .
i'll promice you areadye ryte .
this is the first & the last . i wont do it again .
whad i promice you mummy .
i wont took my word back aites .
i will show you that i really change & study hard .
i'll try to made you happy kaykay .
iloveyousomuch . & i veryvery sooorry !
i really veryvery regret .& soorry , akak meyusahkan 
mama jugaak . soory !

* oh , loveed ! i was so touch in you yest .
you being there for me .
we fight most of the tyme
& but yeeet kaw pujok akuh &
you gave me some advice too .
you did scold me because of that .
but yeaaah , i shut up my mouths .
cause i know that im wrong , &
you had show me the correct path .
i thought you didnt care for me areadye .
but Yesh , you did care about me .
thanks for ur advice and the care that you gave
toward me baby . i was soo touch !
iloveyousomuch babeyh ! missyoutoo .
i was so shock that you still care about me .
for the sake of you , i'll never slept yest ,
just wanna otp with you & settle the prblem together.
& i'll slept around 6.45am . spaaai besty msg , dah spai
singapore pun . then tgh msgmsg ngn niyh mina tertdo .
then, awake at around 10.30am . wake up , play computer ,
siapsiap then i'll proced to mirabell pnyeh umah .
malu seh attualie nak gy umah dye . pahampaham jeh laa .
kalaw sapesape tawu , [ pss , shutup ] then kalw org
taktawu , [ haha . takyah abek tawu kaykay . ]
theen talktalk then we proced to  amk tgk , wijayah .
theeen around 9+ we proceed to teck whye , slack jap .
then , now im here bloging . kay bye ! besok skolah .

Thursday, March 18, 2010 1:14:00 AM

Weeeeeeeeeei !
what your motive skrg ah ?
asl maseh nak contact ngn akuh, 
since kaw adhr pompan baru . 
asl nak knhr contact ngn akuh agi .
asl , berapa bayak pompan kaw nak .
pleaaase ah , setia ngn satu pompan jeh . 
jangaaan nak shaketkn haty pompan ah . 
kaw umor dah bapeh , be meatured skit ah .
pergaaai jangan macim gytuh ah .
daaah uh go on with your gurl . 
kaw takperlu contact ngn akuh . 
jangan ambek tawu pasal akuh lagy .
dunt care about me alright . 
happy with your new gurl . 
i feelt like crying , but ; no ! no ! no ! 
tak berguna titi menagis pasal lelaki .
is just wasting my tears. 
now , i need to move on . 
Titi , Strong ! let's move on . 
it takes day or week or mths to 
forget the love ones you loved .
wei , takecare of yourself kay . 
jage pompan betolbetol , jangan 
shakeet kan haty pompan .
adhr pergi adhr balek ehs ! 
sapehsapeh msg or kol , titi . 
sooorry tak angkat or reply 
your msg alek . 
i dunt have anymood . 
sooorry kaay korang . 
& sooon , i gonna change my no . 
Byeeeeeeeeee - 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:44:00 AM


3:16:00 AM

BABY ! ,
care kaw berbual ngn akuh . 
kaw dah berubah . 
your not the old yooou . 
saying those Hurst word to me , it pain
akuh sabarh jeh apa kaw kateh tady . 
akuh diaaam jeh , it just that akuh 
taknak gadoh ngn kaw pnyeh pasal .
aku diaaaam jeh . akuh sabar jeh .  
i feelt like crying , * please baby . 
changechange !

im ,
there's no one will be there for me when im down . 
seriously ,  only my besty . 
besty , i just need you now ! 
you one & only can undeerstand me . 
& you know whad i feel . 
please , cepaaat baleeeeeek !
imissyousomuch .
cepaaatbaleek ! ineedyou .

Monday, March 15, 2010 11:37:00 PM

Should i accept hym , ? Should i trust hym ?
Where you ? Where your call ?
Pick up my call , answer laa weeeit !
wooorry about you taow . haiish ) :
where you noow , ? how to trust you now .
kol tak angkaat , buntut tool , anhr kaw .
haiiish ) : tkdr moood . tgh tugguh ni buntut kol .
satu hari senyaaaaaaap ) :

Besty { ! } Missyousomuch . Cepaaatlaa balek .
rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ) : haiyaaah .. 

2nd POST !  
Ohh , i just cant get to sleep .
mooodless , ) : i just keep thinking nagertive about you . 
tak sedaaap haty sieyh . i felt heartbroken with sudden. 
i just cant trust you , i though you the ryte guy for me . 
but , iduntknow . i just scared you played behind me . 
Pleaaase, Babeyh . Prove to me . so that , i can 
trust yooou . Soo , did you have any replacement ? 
just because i didn't accept you ? Not that i hateyou
is just that , i cant trust you . i scared you played behind my back . 
i cant deny that i loveyou , But rather then you , saying iloveyou to me . 
is that sincere or noot . you gave me hopes to fall for you , 
please dunt change your mind baby . 
i start to fall for you  , Dont leave me .  
 its takes mths or days to accept you . 
just wanna know your ture colour fully first kk . 
but pleaase, dunt leave me just like that , 
if you really sincere loving me somuch .
iloveyousomuch * . - i sincere babeyh !
baby just dunt let me loose trust on you
I need You Nooow ! 

Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:50:00 PM

Gugurl ah Luu [ ! ]
skrg , baru mau startstart niyh smuah  . 
Kecooot pa nak buat depan akuh . 
kentalketal , hahaas . Wtf ?
eh gugurl dah 2010 zaman . baru nak start ni smuaaah paa . 
. hehes . mau try-try tuh pasal kn .
kaw pekih akuh bodoh pa . haha , Kaw Salaah ahkay
kaw nak budobudo pun , ada agak aaah . 
nak peng pun , daah booohchi ah sister .
akuh taawu laa smuah korang nyeh style . 
jangan nak bodobodo kan akuh k korang . 
haiiiyaaah, nak peng pun agakagak k korang . 
daaah, kermooot buat hal kermooot k . 
gggy tanam sudaah . kk (: 
sikit pun tak goyang ah sister . 
taaak heraaan ah Gugurl . 
maklumlah baru nak start niyh smuah luhkkn .
nak kateh apehr , haha . Gooo on babeyh !
pandai ah korg . syabas ! buat lagy . 
- takecare .

- sapehr terasa kaw pnyeh pasal uhk . ! 

Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:38:00 PM

Bessssssty , away for 10 days .
uncountable without her seeyh !
any prblem , there's no ones will be there for me .
onlyy , you beeesty ! ) :
hope your fyne at china aites .
takecare of yourself .
dunt forget me aites !
i miss spending tyme with you baby .
rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ) ' :
missyousomuch , loveyousoomuch too.
baby , cepaaat la balek ! 
rindu kaaaaw niyh !
rasa laaen tkdr kaw taaaow ! 

Sunday, March 7, 2010 11:45:00 AM

Fuuuuuuuuh , Tired ) : 
Gooot kendarat just now . 
after kendaarat goo BukitTimah , 
Plaay poool . Yesterday , Night . 
Otp with loveed , kekek ! 
Dyeeeh takot cicaak .. Fuuunnny Siaaahk ! 
ashekashek , Complain kat titi .
Beeeeyh , Knhr maki dari 
dye pasal titi ketawe kat dye !
Haraaap jeyh badan kaw besar , tapy kecot ! 
Budo Pnyeh Setaan . But , Ilovehym . heee .
nooow, tgh tugguh dye pnyeh kol .
babiiiyh dye , Kateh nak kol . 
tak kol-kol jeh . pompan manhr kaw kol ah ? 
chehhh, jelours ah Titi . Jyeaaah, Messsty !

Besssty ; made your final choice hunny ! 
beeyh , Your prison boy , amciam ?

Saturday, March 6, 2010 12:05:00 AM

*loookup* . 
cutiiie taaaw kuching tuh , Titi jumpeh . hahah (: 
toooday , titi tak gy sekolah . 
kesiaaan my adeek demam panas . 
takecare of yourself kk dek ! 
kesiaaan tgk dye ! ashekashek nagis , 
kepaleh pening . geet well soon . 
akak , tetap sayang adek . 
how irratating are you , sayaang jugak tao 
kak ngn adek . Cheeey , sweet tak dapat 
akak ciam gyniyh .. Cheeh , FAKEE .. !
hahas ..  continue about the kuching . 
found this cute little kuching at dearah teckwhye . 
Omg , Cute Gilla laa seyh ! Ciam nak bawak balek . 
but nemind , besty bawak balek . 
take gooodcare of dye taao .
hahah .. justnow, slack with Besty , kak irah , kak lysah . 
keaaay , best ! gereeek . 
baayaaak kacau besty , Gereeeek dook !
chehhe , FAKE ! FAKE ! 
sayang kaw baduuut ! 
niwaay , cheerup kaykay .. 
harapharap kaw dapat jumpe , 
prison boy tuh sooon kk ?
be strooong .. hahahaha (: 

kk , Im settled with loved aready .
we doing fyne now , cubeyh , 
justnow jeh kyteh gadoh .
pasaaal niyh mina ah ,  miraabella , 
jahaat ! haha , fake luuhk .
He told me that i've change . 
haha , Weird rite ? i know .
change for became better la me . 
hah , Let's See , Yoook ! 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 8:23:00 PM

haiiish , Should i say that im feel heartbrokeen now .
fooor the passed few daay , im had been hurt by hym .
Wiooot , cant you understand me ?
dunt you know whad i feel now ? Shaaakethaty taawo !
pleaase stoop babeyh ! i just hatez your attertuide tis way .
day by day is seems that your so different, & you entertain me
macim laaain . is not like lasttyme you used to entertain me .
we had fought manytimes but jyeah , i cant deny that i still loveyou .
should i just leet goo hym ? it just difficult for me to let hym goo .
it just that i cant easily forget hym .
every min & sec , i surelly say hys name .
how should i leet go hym ?
babeeyh , are we going somewhere , are we ?
manytimes i asked you this question ,
but yoou didnt take it serioously .
whyyye  ? you did told me that you love me .
whad that's mean ? whaaaaaaaad uhyk b ?
issit sincer ? im, stresssssssss . !
you gave me hope to love you first but then ,
apehal skrg , whye must you did tis to me ?
haiiiish , Fcuuukoff laa .
mooost of the tyme i called you ,
maciammciam alasan kaw kaseyh akuh ehs !
kaaateh , nak kol baleeek . buuut , paitaaw besah kaw .
spaaaai, beliyhbeliyh kaw tak kol . Fcuuuukyou !
hattte it , buaaat akuh soot jeh .
bukaan satu kali kaw bilang akuh gytuh taaawo .
maaaany times siaaal, aqqquh sgop tugguh kaw pnyeh kol .
berapeh bayak akuh gadoh ngn kaw , akuh yang selalu mintaak paiseyh siol .
appaa kaw nak agy ? babayeh , change for the better please .
i need the old us , we used to otp with each other everynight ..
buuut now , seee ? everynight , shakeethaty !
 tear alehaleh kuar with a sudden kdrg-kdrg .  Wtfooork !
- beeenci seeeeeeeyh ) : spaai beliyh akuh mau hydop gyniyh .
but i neeed you jugaaaak . hiaaaaaahs ,
howw i wised you beside me noow .. Omg .
babeyh , change for better please ?
misssyooooou ) :

Monday, March 1, 2010 3:42:00 AM

oooh , Syiiit ! *jiwangmood on , * .
Babe .. i just want to rewind the part
that were just firsttyme we know each other .
i just miissed onthphone with you .
distrub yooou is the best .
missed onthephone with you .
& Lastly , i missed youh haawt voice .
how i wished you were lasttyme .
never fails onthephone with eachother everynight.
are you sincerly say all this to mee , are you sincer ?
or just for fun saying that you love me & missme .
i dunt knooow luhs . it just hurting me .
babeyh , i just wished you to become better ,
that you used too . i cant geet to sleep just cause of you .
i cant stoop thinking of you , every min & every sec thinkingg
of yooou . neeeeeeeeed you babeyh ! picked up my called .
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase , ) : *crying will posting this * .
should i just cont contact with hym , or should i just leave hym .
i feeelt like i wanna leave hym but then
i scarld too lose hym with a sudden , idk !
god, heeelp me . be strong titi . ! buut i just need hym now .
how i wish , you just beside me now .

Yours truly,

With love♥

With love♥

Titi . 16 . Effy property;D


I Love You.